İzmir Akademi Association has been authorized to provide Publishing and Distribution services with the certificate issued by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
- İzmir Academy Association
Büyükkale Mh. Kerimoğlu Sk. No:40-2 Tire / İzmir
Tire VD. Md.
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Dağıtım (Kitap, Müzik vb.), Yayınevi
Certification Date: 28.07.2021
Certificate No :51876
Valid: 28.07.2021 – 28.07.2025
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- Publisher Chairman (İzmir Academy Association)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ömer AYDIN
Izmir Academy Association Chairman of the Board
- Editorial Coordinator
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çağdaş CENGİZ
- Prof. Dr. Üzeyir AYDINuzeyir.aydin@deu.edu.tr
- Prof. Dr. Selim ŞANLISOYselim.sanlisoy@deu.edu.tr
- Prof. Dr. Aybeyan SELİMaybeyab.selim@vizyon.edu.mk
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çağdaş CENGİZcagdas.cengiz@deu.edu.tr
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ömer AYDINomer.aydin@cbu.edu.tr
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammet DAMARmuhammet.damar@deu.edu.tr
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Senem YAZICIsenemyazici@mu.edu.tr
- Assist. Prof. Dr. Enis KARAARSLANenis.karaarslan@mu.edu.tr
- Assist. Prof. Dr. Feriştah Dalkılıçferistah.orucu@deu.edu.tr
- Dr. Erdi KUTLUerdikutluuu@gmail.com
- Res. Assist. Tahir Anıl GÜNGÖRDÜtahir.gungordu@comu.edu.tr
- PhD. Candidate Engin ÖZTORNACIoztornaci@gmail.com