Authors who send their studies(Article, book etc.) to Izmir Academy Association’s journals or publication house are obliged to comply with ethical rules and are deemed to have declared that they have not committed an ethical violation. Studies containing ethical violations will be rejected without being included in the evaluation process, and other applications of the authors will not be evaluated. If an ethical violation is detected, the report on the subject is sent to the author and, if necessary, to the relevant institutions.
Izmir Academy Association expects authors, referees and editors not to engage in the following “general actions against scientific research and publication ethics” during the publication process of the studies.
1. General actions against scientific research and publication ethics (Taken from the Higher Education Council Inter-University Board Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive)
a) Plagiarism: Presenting the ideas, methods, data, practices, writings, figures or works of others as their own work, in whole or in part, without attribution, in accordance with scientific ethical rules,
b) Fraud: To produce data that is not based on research, to edit or change the presented or published work on the basis of untrue data, to report or publish them, to present research that has not been done as if it has been done,
c) Distortion: To falsify research records and obtained data, to present methods, devices and materials that are not used in the research as if they were used, not to evaluate the data that are not suitable for the research hypothesis, to manipulate the data or results in order to fit the relevant theory or assumptions, in line with the interests of the people and organizations that receive support. falsify or shape research results,
d) Duplicate publication: To present more than one work containing the same results of research as separate works in associate professor examination evaluations and academic promotions,
e) Slicing: Presenting the results of research as separate works in certain exam evaluations and academic incentives and promotions by dividing the results of research in a way that violates the integrity of the research, by dividing it into parts inappropriately and by making multiple publications without reference to each other,
f) Unfair authorship: Adding non-active contributors to article authors, not including active contributors among authors, changing the order of authors unjustifiably and inappropriately, removing the names of active contributors from the work at the time of publication or in subsequent editions, using influence even though there is no active contribution. to include his name among the authors,
g) Other types of ethical violations: Not stating the supporting people, institutions or organizations and their contributions to the research in the publications of the supported research, not complying with the ethical rules in research on humans and animals, and not respecting the rights of the patients in their publications, To share the information in the work with others before it is published, to misuse the resources, places, facilities and devices provided or reserved for scientific research, to accuse completely baseless, groundless and willful ethical violations (YÖK Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive, Article 8)
Izmir Academy Association expects the relevant parties to comply with the following responsibilities, apart from “general actions against scientific research and publication ethics”.
2. Responsibilities of Authors
a) The submitted article is the original work of the author(s);
b) All authors have participated in this study individually and they take all responsibility for this study;
c) All authors have seen and approved the final version of the submitted article;
d) The article has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere;
e) They undertake that the text, figures and documents in the article do not violate the Copyrights of other persons.
3. Responsibilities of Reviewers
a) Make an objective and impartial assessment.
b) Should not have a conflict of interest with the authors, study, institutions or funders, if any. They should withdraw from refereeing when they realize it has happened.
c) They should withdraw from arbitration when they believe that they are not competent to evaluate the submitted article or if they anticipate that they will not be able to complete the evaluation within a reasonable time.
d) They should not violate confidentiality, and should not share the article with third parties other than the relevant author(s), editor or referees.
e) They should not use any data from an article that has completed its evaluation but has not yet been published.