Authors : Ali BABACAN, Yaşam AKPAK, Okan ÖZDEN, Selami SÜLEYMANOĞLU, Ersin ÖZTÜRK, Ercüment MÜNGEN
Pages : 245-248
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Publication Date : 2015-07-08
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :Interruption of the aortic arch (IAA) is a rare, severe form of congenital heart defect characterized by complete anatomical discontinuity between two adjacent segments of the aortic arch. The data on the features and outcomes of fetal IAA are limited. Three anatomical types have been described according to the site of interruption. The current recommendations for screening on the obstetric fetal anomaly scan include identification of a 4-chamber view, all 4 valves, and the outflow tracts, all of which can appear to be normal to the ultrasonographer in fetuses with conotruncal anomalies. Although the identification of IAA on a prenatal echocardiogram can be challenging, a number of anatomic features can facilitate the diagnosis. We aim to present the features and outcome of a case of IAA type B referred to our centre in the light of literatures. Key words: Congenital heart defect, four dimensional ultrasound, fetal echocardiography, interrupted aortic arch, prenatal diagnosisKeywords : Konjenital kalp defekti, dört boyutlu ultrason, fetal ekokardiyografi, interrupted aortik ark, prenatal tanı